Wall Charts

These wall charts can be downloaded and printed by Aramark directly. Diversey does not print and ship wall charts.

Auto Scrubber Driers

swingo 855B TASKI Chart - LIT 72150 -en-es.pdf
swingo 1655_1855 TASKI Chart - LIT 72150 -en-es.pdf
swingo 2500 TASKI Chart - LIT 38384-25232 - en.pdf


ergodisc 2000 TASKI Chart - LIT 72719 - en.pdf

Carpet Care: Extractors/Encapsulation

procarpet 30 TASKI Wall Chart - LIT 49810-23331 - en.pdf
procarpet 45 TASKI Wall Chart - LIT 34472 - en.pdf

TASKI Yellow Maintenance Points

TASKI-Yellow Maintenance Points Chart - LIT 75359 - en-es-fr.pdf